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* 比赛期间将举办2次在线答疑,由评委老师在线解答关于英语学习、求职面试和大赛内容等方面的疑问。
* 9月24日在松江大学城举办职场英语专题讲座。
* 无论您参赛与否,只要在活动网页注册申请,即可获得英语模拟面试一次及千元奖学金!
活动主页 http://www.marsenglish.com/campus/
主办单位 火星英语
协办单位 江南官网网址
9月16日至22日 第一期:自荐篇(简历/推荐信,侧重书面)
9月20日 第一次在线互动访谈/答疑
9月23日至29日 第二期:面试篇(世界500强面试案例,侧重口语)
9月24日 面试外企英语讲座(松江大学城)
9月27日 第二次在线互动访谈/答疑
10月8日至14日 公布获奖名单,颁奖典礼
1) 职场英语状元 每期1名,共2名
ü 火星英语4800元优惠券+火星教师撰写的英文推荐信一封+模拟面试一次
ü 江南官网网址免费职业咨询1次(价值1880元)
2) 职场英语进士 每期1名,共2名
ü 火星英语2800元优惠券+火星教师撰写的英文推荐信一封+模拟面试一次
ü 江南官网网址JCP一日培训课程(价值1000元)
3) 职场英语举人 每期1名,共2名
ü 火星英语1800元优惠券+火星教师修改英文简历一次+模拟面试一次
ü 江南官网网址免费职业测评1次(价值580元)
4) 职场英语秀才 不限
ü 火星英语教师修改英文简历一次+模拟面试一次
ü 江南官网网址JCP培训300元优惠券
5) 职场英语童生 不限
ü 火星英语一日免费课程+模拟面试一次
ü 江南官网网址JCP培训200元优惠券
Sell yourself自荐篇
1. From your previous working experiences, how would you present your features and selling-points in your resume?请以你自己为例,在你简历中工作经验或实习经验一栏表述出自己的特色和亮点。2. Lily ,who is a Junior English major has passed TEM-8. In this summer holiday, Mckinsey is offering internships to students who have the related major of marketing and management. If you were Lily, how would you present your advantages in your CV to get an interview?Lily 今年大三,英语专业,并过了专八。暑假正逢Mckinsey公司招聘实习生,但要求是营销管理相关专业的,如果你是Lily,将如何在求职信和简历中体现自己的优势,并博取面试的机会?3. Lina is majored in computer science who doesn’t like any symbols, so she’s not very good at major courses. She’s is graduating this semester and would like to work to as a software sales consultant. What do your think Lina should present and emphasize in her CV?Lina 是计算机科学专业的学生,但天生不喜欢和各类符号打交道,所以大学专业课基础并不牢,但现已是最后一学期,面临毕业,现想做计算机软件方面的销售顾问,请问Lina简历中最重要应该突出那方面?为什么?4. David whose major is history, after he failed in the test to be acivil servant he decided to apply for a GM assistant position in a listed company. However he barely had any working experiences or internships, and he is not familiar with the inter-personal relationship in the business world. How should David match his advantage with this position?
Daivd 本科读的是历史学,公务员考试失败后,现面试一家上市公司的总经理助理,工作经验基本没有,由于准备公务员考试也没去实习过,优势在于发表了比较多的文章,可最大的缺点在于对商业化的人际关系不擅长,Daivd该如何在自己的简历中,将自己的优势和这个岗位相结合?5. Jack has always wanted to work in management field, for which he enrolled in business administration before he took the college entrance exam. Now he realized that such an extensive and universal major couldn’t help him to be a salesman in Byer in the medical field. How should he write his resume for this position?
Jack一直想从事管理工作,所以在大学填志愿的时候就报了工商管理,但毕业的时候才发现这个专业属万金油型,学的太宽泛了,正碰巧拜耳招聘销售,但对医疗类并不了解,请问Jack针对这个职位写简历时,该如何侧重?6. Bob has just got a bachelor degree of accounting in Canada and he decided to come back to China because he got bored with the life there. During the last month he was in Canada, he got the offer from the domestic Deloitle Tonche Tohmatsu company. Soon he quitted and was ready to look for a new job which he would be interested in, how should he write his 3 month working experiences in his CV?
Bob刚从加拿大会计本科毕业回来,因为过腻了加拿大的生活,决定回国。在加拿大最后一个月,拿到了国内德勤的offer,但工作一个月发现根本不适合自己,试用期后辞职,准备重新找,3个月的工作经验,该如何写在自己的简历中?7. Sunny whose major is software engineering in Shanghai University this year. Although she’s a girl, she really wants to be a senior engineer but the company she wants to work for stated that candidates for this job will work under pressure and travel now and then, and also they prefer males. How should Sunny present her advantages and her disadvantages?
Sunny 今年从上海大学毕业,软件工程专业 ,虽是女孩子,但一心想成为一个高级技术工程师,有着明确的目标后,瞄准A公司最新招的软件测试工程师,但A公司写明工作压力大,须长期出差,男性优先,如果你是Sunny,如何体现自己的优势和劣势?
Interview 面试篇
1. Lucy was on probation working as the purchasing assistant in a trading company, and then she didn’t sign with that company. But she still wanted to work in the trading industry, her oral English is okay and she majored in civil engineering, now she get an interview for a foreign trading company for purchaser. How to answer that she was not hired by that company and her non-foreign trading major?
Lucy在一家贸易公司实习做采购助理,毕业时未能签约。但还是想在贸易行业做,她口语一般,而且是土木工程毕业,现面试一家外贸公司的采购,如何回答自己未能被实习公司录用和非贸易相关专业?2. Wendy, English major, every year she has chance to join the probation, join some company’s researching plan, now she got a chance for interviewing the marketing specialist of Nestle, due to lack of the background knowledge of marketing sales, the interviewer asked: why did you interview this marketing specialist, please talk about your career plan?
Wendy 英语专业,每年都利用暑假参加实习,参与了一些公司的调研计划,现面试雀巢公司的市场专员,由于没有核心的市场营销方面专业背景,面试管问:为什么你要来面试市场专员,请谈谈你的职业规划是什么?3. KiKi who majored in Chinese literature in university, now is applying for HR specialist, non-majored background, no any work experience, there are two main problems: why does he want to be a HR specialist, does he have any advantage? Please tell that how to give the good answers for KiKi.Kiki大学学的是汉语言文学,现面试人力资源招聘专员,非专业背景,也没任何经验,最主要有两个问题:为什么想做招聘专员?你又有那些优势?请问Kiki如何做答为好?4. Bill has been always an excellent student at school since he was a child, but he is introvert, not talkative, so he chose the auto engineering, when he heard that Doctor Company calling him as the interview for auto tech engineer, he was so excited, and he felt good about writing exam. But he worried about the interview; please tell about what preparation should Bill prepare for the interview?Bill 从小到大成绩都非常优秀,但性格内向,不爱说话,所以选了汽车工程专业。当听到博士公司来电话通知面试汽车技术工程师的时候,很兴奋,在参加完笔试后感觉很不错,但一直担心面试,请问面试前Bill 该做哪些准备?5. Josie has been always the monitor in the university since he was in elementary school, and he is positive, international major of famous university. Now he got the notification from Shell as trainee, because of the justice for employment of Shell, so now matter you are bachelor, master or doctor, they always treat you as the same to interview, as the only bachelor here, how does Josie win from all the candidates, as the only two people to get the chance for second interview.?Josie 从小学到大学都是班长,一直很要强,重点大学国际金融专业,现拿到壳牌管理培训生的面试通知书,由于壳牌招人一向是以公证为主,所以本科硕士博士都平等对待,一起面试。作为唯一一个本科生的Josie该如何在面试中脱颖而出,PK掉其他人,进入只有2个名额的管理培训生?6. Tony is going to have the third interview for his dreaming company, but very unfortunately, he was late for 15 min, what should Tony make up for his delay?Tony今天要去期望已久的公司的第三论面试,但是非常不凑巧,迟到了15分钟,为了不影响面试效果该如何处理?7. Susan has been talking with a interviewer of one company, this time she is applying for the position as an accountant. Due to the probation in some small companies, even if she knows some knowledge, she still need the work as the real employee, also the big company is quite different from small companies about culture, managing style, so please tell about that how dose Susan communicate with interviewer: what is your own opinion about company culture, and what is the difference between big company and small company? Susan 已经和一家上市公司面试官在面谈了,这次是面试一个会计的职位,由于只在小企业实习过,虽然对各种成本会计,总账都了解一些,但毕竟没做过,而且小公司和大公司的文化氛围、管理风格相差很大,请问Susan该如何与面试官沟通:自己对企业文化是如何理解,大公司与小公司的差异在那里?
Go Go Go! 如果是你,该怎样应对呢?